Wednesday, April 29, 2009

we're still out there

It's Day 100 for Obama. I'm sure you haven't missed that. Not with the saturation coverage on CNN, the top of the fold representation in lots of our papers, and of course the prime time press conference tonight (during sweeps, omigod) featuring, oh, what's his name, President Barack Obama.

I'm not sure what day it is for Roxana Saberi. I think it's day 90. That's the number of days she has been imprisoned in Tehran, basically for doing her job as an independent reporter.

News as of late has not been that good.

Roxana's 8 year sentence still stands. The three judge tribunal overseeing the appeals process for the Revolutionary Court still refuses to accept Roxana's expanded legal team, and has not provided them both access to Roxana, nor access to the court. So much for jurisprudence, let alone a fair trial.

While Iran watchers have known for years that there are several factions leading Iran, it is now ever more clear that neither the Grand Ayatollah Khameini nor President Ahmadinejad rule, and that an unusually independent and harsh judicial court renders justice as it sees fit.

This does not bode well for Roxana, even with today's overture from the British Foreign Minister, the publicity following Tuesday's protest in Paris, and her continued hunger strike.

Many stateside entities are doing all they can to free Roxana Saberi. Stay posted through media and sites like Simply put, do something, keep attention focused on this travesty of justice, and the life of this innocent woman.

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