Friday, January 22, 2010

I'm Back

Well, here we are again. Almost a month has passed since the last posting, light years in the realm of the internets. But I'm here. It's not as though I left, or actually went anywhere. It was more an inertia, a disinclination to blog, or even microblog. So while I wasn't here, I wasn't there, either. You follow.

It's interesting to see what you can do when you don't blog.

You can read books. Plural. Yes, books.

You can fix things. Well, they have to be broken in the first place, but I'm sure there's something around that's broken and in need of a fix.

You can work harder at things than you might have before.

You can multi-task a little more smoothly, a requirement for today's independent professional.

And you can plan, or even think, and begin to see where it's all going. Hopefully it's all going forward, though you never can know for sure.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Quality is what counts - great reading you!